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How Does Childhood Sexual Abuse Affect Adulthood?

Childhood Sexual Abuse Has Lifelong Effects

Experiencing sexual abuse as a child is a traumatic experience that can have lasting effects on a person's adulthood. A study published in Frontiers discovered that childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is a strong predictor of lifetime psychopathology and can lead to long-term consequences that impact a person in every stage of life. Here’s what our childhood sexual abuse lawyers think you need to know.

When Does a Person Experience Childhood Sexual Abuse?

Childhood sexual abuse (CSA) is any type of sexual contact between a child and an adult. Sexual abuse includes actual or threat of touching or forced sexual intercourse, including oral, anal, or genital penetration of a child who cannot fully comprehend or give informed consent. It can also include non-contact activities, such as having a child view sexually explicit material or being exposed to sexual language.

How Does CSA Impact a Person's Adulthood?

CSA can have lasting effects on a person's life well into adulthood. The study also revealed that CSA could impact an individual in their adulthood by causing them to have amnestic episodes, nightmares, flashbacks, depersonalization, derealization, and persisting dissociation.

In addition to personal health challenges, CSA survivors often find it difficult to develop and maintain healthy relationships, both personal and professional. They may find it hard to trust people, which can lead to communication problems. CSA survivors may also struggle with mental health disorders that make it difficult to cope with day-to-day life.

Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) and Its Impacts on Brain Development

Sexual abuse can significantly impact an individual’s brain development and functionality. The study published in Frontiers looked at the effects of CSA on brain development. The study found that CSA is a risk factor for the development of psychological trauma, which can impact brain development and functionality even in adulthood. The study also found that CSA is a strong predictor of lifetime psychopathology.

CSA can also result in other mental and health effects, such as:

  • PTSD

  • Anxiety disorders

  • Memory, and recall impairments

  • Chronic pain fibromyalgia

  • Myocardial infarction

  • Intestinal complications

  • Asthma

  • Diabetes

How to Get Justice After Experiencing CSA

If you or someone you know has experienced CSA, it is important to seek help. Our team at The Zalkin Law Firm, P.C. is here to help you. We work to ensure clients are treated with the respect, patience, and understanding they deserve. For over 20 years, our legal team has helped hundreds of sexual abuse survivors find their voice in the justice system and recover the compensation they deserve. We have the knowledge, skills, and experience needed to guide you through the process. We know that coming forward with an abuse case is never easy. That is why our team is dedicated to providing you with compassionate guidance.

Contact our national sexual abuse attorneys today at (800) 477-2989 to schedule a consultation today.